Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lord Of Flies Essays - Social Psychology, Max Weber, Leadership

Lord Of Flies Why do we choose the leaders that we do?: In the following paper, I'm going to attempt to explain why it is that we choose the leaders in which we do. There are many various reasons why we pick certain individuals to lead us. The first one, which is in no relation to Lord of the Flies, is by being appointed. People are often predetermined leaders. One of the most obvious examples of this is royalty. For thousands of years, sons and daughters of royal families are given power when their parents pass on. If both king and queen pass on, and they have no children, then the next closest relative will take power. "In the past, chiefdoms existed in a great number of Polynesian societies on Pacific Ocean islands, such as those that make up what is now Hawaii. Chiefdoms were the first societies to have positions of defined, permanent leadership. Chiefdoms still exist in some places under national governments. For instance, chiefs of the Kpelle of Liberia are political leaders for the country's national districts." Culture," Microsoft? Encarta? Encyclopedia 99. ? 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Another example of an appointed leader is when a leader appoints someone to a position of power. In this day and age, we do this in our own country. The president has the authority to give members of his cabinet jobs that come with power. In the military, Larkin 2 people are constantly advanced in rank. By doing this, they are given more power and put into a position of leadership. However, this isn't the only way people come into power. Many tribes (Indians, African, Eskimo) have different systems of government. Some have several, leaders others have just one. "Within most tribes, all groups commonly have about equal status. Since every person belongs to a descent group, no one person ranks too far above or below another. In some tribes, however, people known as big men might earn a degree of higher status and respect than others by demonstrating bravery or bravado." Culture," Microsoft? Encarta? Encyclopedia 99. ? 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This was exhibited by both Ralph and Jack. First by Ralph by him electing to search for the "Beastie" on Castle Rock. He knew that in order to keep his place as the leader, he couldn't show fear. After Ralph was on the jetty, realizing that he might loose any chance of power, Jack soon decides to overcome his fear and follow. The second time was when the boys were climbing the cliff, once again to search for the Larkin 3 Beast. This time, Ralph stayed behind and Jack went first. Jack knew that being brave would get him more respect and put him one step closer to being chief. Thus, by showing their bravery, the boys fought for the position of leadership. And then, there's strength. Strength plays a big part in leadership. In humans as well as wild animals. Many animals live in pacts. Within this group are different classes. At the top of the chain is the leader. For example, take the silverback gorilla. The silverback gorilla is the leader of its group because he is able to take control and fight off enemies. If there is a danger, he will confront it. However, if another silverback comes along, challenges the original leader, and wins, the original leader will abandon the group and live a solitary life. At this time, the winner will take over. Strength has over come weakness, and the winning gorilla is rewarded with power. Plus, within the group, there are two other subdominant male gorillas who receive their power based upon their strength. This is common in many other animals. Gorilla Dynamics," Microsoft? Encarta? Encyclopedia 99. ? 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Larkin 4 Leaders can become leaders by using their talent. Their talent of talking. Speeches, convincing the masses, ect. Adolph Hitler was a good speaker. Through his methods, he was able to convince thousands of people to follow him. He brought out peoples passions. Told them what they wanted to hear. Gave them someone to blame for their problems. And by doing this, the people choose him to lead them. They believed in him, his ideas, and, for the most part, many of his methods. We pick our politicians because of what they say. Why did the Republican Party choose over ? Because he was a good speaker. With his words he was able to convince his party that he was the right

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Kill a Tree Without Chemicals

How to Kill a Tree Without Chemicals Killing a tree is hard work, particularly if you avoid using chemical assistance. You have to cut off a trees water, food and/or sunlight at a critical time in its life cycle to do the job. Herbicides work by gumming up or shutting down a trees working parts to deprive the plant of one or more of the above.   Using the Bark Trees can be killed without herbicides or chemicals but extra time, patience, and understanding of tree anatomy are necessary. You most especially need to know about the function of a trees inner bark- cambium, xylem, and phloem- and how they combine forces to affect a trees life.   The bark is a trees most vulnerable body part above ground and the easiest target for an effective kill. Damaging enough roots to kill the tree quickly is complicated and hard to do without using chemicals. The bark is made up of cork and phloem which protects the cambium and xylem. Dead xylem cells carry water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and are considered the trees wood. Phloem, a living tissue, carries manufactured food (sugars) from the leaves to the roots. The cambium, which is a moist layer only a few cells thick, is the regenerative layer that gives birth to xylem on its inside and phloem to its outside. Destroying the Bark If the food-transporting phloem is severed all the way around the tree (a process called girdling), food cannot be carried to the roots and they will eventually die. As the roots die, so does the tree. Periods of rapid growth, usually from March until June in North America, are the best times to girdle a tree. These spring growth spurts are when tree bark slips. The phloem and cork layer easily peels free, leaving the cambium and xylem exposed. Remove as wide a section of bark as you have time to make an adequate girdle ring. Then scrape (or chop) into the surface of the xylem to remove the cambium. If any cambial material remains, the tree will heal by overgrowing the girdle. The best time to girdle is before the trees leaf out. The process of leafing out will deplete energy stores from the roots, which stores cannot be renewed if the phloem conduit has been interrupted. Avoid the Sprout Some trees are prolific sprouters and produce adventitious twigs near an injury. If you dont remove or kill the entire root, you just may have to control these sprouts. Sprouts coming out below the girdle must be removed as they will continue the process of feeding the roots if left to grow. When you are removing these sprouts, it is a good idea to check the girdled strip and remove any bark and cambium that may be trying to bridge the wound. Even cutting a tree down cant guarantee it will be killed. Many tree species, particularly some deciduous broad-leaf species, will sprout back from the original stump and root system.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus

Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus Para solicitar el ajuste de estatus hay que tener una serie de documentos que se han de enviar junto a la peticià ³n. Antes de tramitar el ajuste, asegurarse de poseer toda la documentacià ³n que se pide para todo tipo de solicitantes y tambià ©n la especà ­fica para la categorà ­a dentro de la que cae cada extranjero que pide convertirse en residente permanente mediante este beneficio inmigratorio. Destacar que el ajuste de estatus permite a un migrante presente ya en Estados Unidos cambiar su situacià ³n migratoria y adquirir la condicià ³n de residente permanente y, por tanto, en poseedor de una tarjeta de residencia, conocida como green card. Pero es muy importante conocer quià ©nes lo pueden pedir y quià ©nes no pueden gozar de este beneficio.   En este artà ­culo se informa sobre: documentos que deben presentar todos los solicitantesdocumentos que sà ³lo se presentan segà ºn el caso de cada unodocumentos que debe presentarse sà ³lo si se pide el ajuste de estatus por determinadas categorà ­asquà © hacer con los documentos relativos a posibles faltas y/o delitos Quà © documentos se deben adjuntar con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus La peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus debe ir acompaà ±ada de una serie de papelerà ­a de apoyo.   Existen unos requisitos comunes para todo tipo de peticià ³n de ajuste, que son los siguientes. Adems, leer al final del artà ­culo los especà ­ficos para la situacià ³n de cada migrante. Ya que no es lo mismo solicitar el ajuste por, por ejemplo, peticià ³n de esposo que es ciudadano, a pedirlo por asilo.   Formulario de peticià ³n Para solicitar el ajuste de Estatus, la planilla a completar es la I-485. Se puede encontrar gratuitamente de la pgina oficial de Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Utilizar siempre la à ºltima versià ³n, es decir, la que està © en esa pgina justo cuando se realiza la solicitud.   Pago El cheque para el pago debe hacerse a nombre del Department of Homeland Security. El costo actual varà ­a segà ºn las circunstancias de cada solicitante. Asà ­: Menores de 14 aà ±os que solicitan ajuste de estatus con al menos uno de sus padres: $635.Menores de 14 aà ±os que no solicitan con ninguno de sus padres: $985.Entre 14 y 78 aà ±os: $985 ms $85 para datos biomà ©tricos. Total: $107079 o ms aà ±os: $985.Refugiados: nada, ya que es gratuito.Las personas que piden ajuste de estatus para ellas mismas en aplicacià ³n de VAWA por violencia domà ©stica pueden solicitar una waiver para no pagar la tarifa de la solicitud si cumplen una serie de requisitos. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los solicitantes de la Visa T de trfico de personas, por la visa U de violencia, por el registry o por el programa de Inmigrantes Juveniles Especiales (SIJ). Certificado de nacimiento Basta con una copia legible del mismo, pero debe contar con el sello de la autoridad que lo emite y cumplir con una serie de requisitos. Si est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe ser traducido y acompaà ±ado por una carta de certificacià ³n de la traduccià ³n. Fotografà ­as Dos fotos idà ©nticas tipo pasaporte tomadas en los 30 dà ­as anteriores a enviar la solicitud. Escribir con un lpiz en el reverso el nombre del beneficiado y si tiene un alien registration number, incluirlo. Visas no inmigrantes En los casos en los que una Embajada o consulado americano haya emitido al extranjero una visa no inmigrante en los 365 dà ­as anteriores a enviar la solicitud del ajuste de estatus, incluir en la documentacià ³n la fotocopia legible de la pgina en la que est estampada la visa. Informacià ³n biogrfica Si se tiene entre 14 y 79 aà ±os, completar y adjuntar la planilla G-325 A. Rà ©cord mà ©dico y de vacunas Para ello hay que utilizar la planilla I-693. Estas son las reglas que rigen para el examen mà ©dico para obtener la residencia permanente. Si bien hay excepciones a la obligacià ³n de pasar por un examen mà ©dico. En primer lugar, para los refugiados, para quienes en la mayorà ­a de los casos es suficiente completar la porcià ³n del formulario dedicada a las vacunas. Asimismo, los prometidos de ciudadanos americanos y sus descendientes que han pasado un examen mà ©dico en el à ºltimo aà ±o antes de viajar a Estados Unidos al solicitar una visa K no tienen que presentar otro ms. Bastar con que acrediten las vacunas. Finalmente, tampoco debern someterse a un examen mà ©dico las personas que hayan vivido en Estados Unidos desde enero de 1972 y que està ©n ajustando su estatus por lo que se conoce como el registry. Evidencia de estatus migratorio en Estados Unidos Enviar una copia legible del documento que se conoce como I-94, registro de entrada y de salida. La copia debe ser por ambos lados.   Si se ha ingresado a los Estados Unidos con una tarjeta de cruce, conocida tambià ©n como visa lser, enviar una copia de la misma tambià ©n por los dos lados. Finalmente, si no se tiene ese rà ©cord de registro de entrada y de salida, realmente es el momento de hablar con un abogado ya que en muchas ocasiones, aunque no en todas, esto puede ser el origen de grandes problemas con las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n.   Notificacià ³n de que se ha recibido el paquete   Si se desea, es posible pedirle al USCIS que confirme por sms o por correo electrà ³nico que se ha recibido la peticià ³n para el ajuste de estatus. Para ello, completar la planilla que se conoce como G-1145. Documentos para acompaà ±ar a la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus, segà ºn la categorà ­a Dependiendo de la razà ³n por la que el solicitante puede pedir el ajuste de estatus se deben incluir ms documentos en el mismo paquete de peticià ³n. A continuacià ³n, los diferentes casos. Las personas que ajustan su estatus por peticià ³n de un familiar Los ciudadanos y los residentes permanentes pueden solicitar a familiares que caen dentro de determinados grados de parentesco. Pero no todos pueden ajustar su estatus y à ©ste es un punto fundamental que debe de ser tenido en cuenta antes de enviar los papeles a Inmigracià ³n. Adems, si se est en una categorà ­a que est sujeta a là ­mites anuales de casos aprobados, verificar el boletà ­n de visas ms reciente para asegurarse de que ya se puede solicitar el ajuste. Si se cumplen todos los requisitos, se debe incluir en la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus un affidavit of support que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de declaracià ³n de sostenimiento. Para ello hay que completar el formulario I-864. Adems, si se trata de una peticià ³n realizada por un ciudadano estadounidense para su cà ³nyuge, padres o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, incluir el formulario I-130 o, si ya se envià ³ con anterioridad, incluir copia de la carta que se recibià ³ del USCIS con el nombre de I-797 Notice of Action donde se confirma que el I-130 ha sido aprobado. En todos los dems casos por peticià ³n de un familiar enviar copia del I-797 de que el I-130 que se presentà ³ est aprobado y asegurarse de que la fecha de prioridad est al corriente en la categorà ­a que aplica a la persona que se pide. Esto se hace consultando el à ºltimo boletà ­n de visas. Las personas que buscan el ajuste por peticià ³n laboral Adjuntar una carta oficial del empleador en la que se declara, entre otras cosas, el salario que se paga y en la que confirma que sigue existiendo ese puesto de trabajo para el que se solicita ese trabajador extranjero. La carta debe estar redactada en papel oficial de la empresa. Copia de la carta recibida por USCIS en la que se confirma que la peticià ³n de un trabajador extranjero solicitada mediante el formulario I-140 ha sido aprobada. Si la fecha de prioridad en la categorà ­a a la que pertenece el inmigrante pedido est al corriente entonces es posible enviar el I-140 conjuntamente con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, si la empresa que pide un empleado extranjero es en un cinco por ciento o ms propiedad de la familia del pedido entonces ser necesario completar el formulario I-864, que es una declaracià ³n jurada de sostenimiento. Si la persona para la que se pide el ajuste de estatus est en los Estados Unidos con una visa H-1B o una L-1, enviar prueba de estatus. Finalmente, son necesarias copias de pagos de salario recientes, de  certificados de estudios, cuando son necesarios y de que el Departamento de Trabajo ha aprobado el Certificado Laboral.   Asilados Copia de la carta o del I-94 en el que consta que se le ha concedido esa condicià ³n. Ajuste derivado Para cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de otra persona que pide el ajuste y ellos tambià ©n pueden pedirlo de forma derivada en virtud de su relacià ³n familiar. Estas personas deben enviar en su peticià ³n las copias de los documentos que prueben la relacià ³n entre el beneficiario principal y el derivado, como certificados de matrimonio, partidas de nacimiento, adopcià ³n, etc. Asimismo, incluir evidencia de que la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus del beneficiario principal ha sido enviada al USCIS o ha sido aprobada. Ajuste de estatus por el registry Aportar toda la documentacià ³n que sirva para probar el caso y demostrar la presencia en el paà ­s desde el 1 de enero de 1972. Personas que solicitan ajuste por perdà ³n 245 (i) Los migrantes indocumentados que pueden beneficiarse de la medida conocida como 245 (i) deben enviar tambià ©n el formulario que se conoce como I-485 Supplement A. Visas T o Visas U Los migrantes que solicitan el ajuste de estatus porque tienen una visa T por trfico humano o una visa U por haber sido và ­ctima de cierto tipo de violencia deben enviar tambià ©n con su aplicacià ³n el Supplement E del formulario I-485 y toda la documentacià ³n adicional que se pide en dicha planilla. Extranjeros en las categorà ­as de SIJ o inmigrantes militares especiales Deben adjuntar la peticià ³n de esta categorà ­a que, si se concede, har que haya automticamente visas de inmigrantes para ellos. Tambià ©n debern contar con una autorizacià ³n policial (police clearance). Documentacià ³n a enviar dependiendo del caso de cada solicitante Solicitud de permiso de trabajo Si se desea tener uno se debe completar el formulario I-765. No pagar la cuota de este formulario porque ya est incluida en el pago del formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus. Si inicialmente no se envà ­a la solicitud del permiso de trabajo y ms tarde se cambia de opinià ³n y se decide hacerlo, enviar el formulario sin pago. Pero en este caso se debe incluir una carta que se ha recibido del USCIS donde se confirma que hay un caso abierto de ajuste de estatus. Solicitud de permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar Es lo que se conoce como advance parole. No es necesario pedirlo, pero puede hacerse. En cuestià ³n de pago de este formulario aplica lo que se ha dicho en el prrafo anterior para el permiso de trabajo. Waiver En algunos casos es necesario presentar tambià ©n el formulario I-601 para pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como permiso. Son casos muy especà ­ficos y esto es un tema delicado que conviene tratar siempre con un abogado. Planilla G-28 Sà ³lo en los casos de contar con un abogado que lleva este caso. El solicitante de ajuste de estatus tambià ©n tiene que firmarla, si es que cuenta con asistencia de letrado o de un representante acreditado. Rà ©cords criminales En el formulario I-485 hay varias preguntas sobre posibles problemas con la ley, incluyendo el contacto con drogas. Y se pregunta especà ­ficamente no sà ³lo por acciones cometidas en los Estados Unidos sino tambià ©n en otros paà ­ses.  Pueden darse los siguientes casos: Primero: rà ©cord totalmente limpio. No se necesita hacer nada. Segundo: arrestado o detenido por cualquier fuerza del orden pero no se han presentado cargos. En estos casos solicitar la declaracià ³n oficial original de la policà ­a que realizà ³ el arresto o de la corte competente en la que se declare que no se presentaron cargos. Tercero: arrestado o detenido cuando se han presentado cargos. En este caso presentar original o copia certificada por corte del arresto y sus consecuencias: desestimacià ³n (dismissal), condena (conviction) o absolucià ³n (acquittal). Cuarto: Condenado o enviado a un centro de rehabilitacià ³n o de servicio comunitario. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de la condena y de haberla cumplido o de estar en libertad condicional.   Quinto: Arrestado o condenado pero cuyo arresto o condena ha sido declarado secreto o eliminado del rà ©cord. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de tal hecho. Es posible que no se sepa que se tiene una orden de deportacià ³n o de arresto dictada en contra. Si cabe la posibilidad, el mejor consejo es asegurarse de cul es la situacià ³n antes de enviar documentacià ³n al USCIS pidiendo un beneficio migratorio.   En cuanto a las meras infracciones de trfico, no suelen causar problemas, excepto en casos graves o cuando hay un problema de DWI (alcohol o drogas). Si hay problemas por delitos o faltas en el pasado, es el momento de hablar muy seriamente con un abogado. En algunos casos ser imposible obtener una aprobacià ³n del ajuste de estatus y no se sacar la green card. Pero en otros muchos ser posible pedir con à ©xito una waiver (tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso). Lo que nunca debe hacerse es mentir porque es una violacià ³n migratoria con graves consecuencias. Y hay que tener en cuenta que el USCIS tiene acceso a bases de datos del FBI sobre todo tipo de delitos y faltas (incluidos los casos sellados o expurgados. No mentir con esto tampoco). Reglas generales Se recomienda adjuntar los originales cuando asà ­ especà ­ficamente se pida, como por ejemplo en los casos de rà ©cords de policà ­a y de las cortes. En los dems casos, es suficiente una copia legible. Mientras se procesan los papeles se puede verificar de varias maneras el estatus del caso. Y siempre  lo mejor es no cambiar de lugar de residencia Pero si es necesario hacerlo, no olvidar el requisito fundamental de notificar ese cambio de domicilio al USCIS. Tomar este quiz - trivial o test, segà ºn el paà ­s - sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Verificar que se conoce informacià ³n fundamental. Y una vez que se obtenga la tarjeta de residencia, a disfrutarla. Y considerar solicitar la ciudadanà ­a americana por naturalizacià ³n cuando se cumplan los plazos para poder pedirla. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical Standards - Essay Example The new code of conduct will act as a guideline for all the employees to follow, when confronted with a dilemma (Roth, 2005). The devised code of conduct will try to cover all the business aspects where any predicament can arise. Thus, code covers the matters of business conduct, marketing and sales practices, business gifts, relationship with colleagues and clients, insider trading, reporting measures and the use fo company or clients’ resources. Therefore, it is very important for every ECG employee to fully understand and abide by the code of conduct. A company’s image is affected by the manner the employees, within and outside the workplace. With ECG’s plan of venturing into international business market, acquiring rival firms and launching an IPO it is essential for the company employees to be on their finest behaviour. This will affect the company’s representation and in turn affect the planned investments (Johnson, 2006). The purpose of developing a code of conduct and policies is to ensure through mutual consent and understanding that these policies are implemented in order to achieve the ultimate target of integrity. The role of all the HODs is very crucial in this regard. The HODs have to become an example for their subordinates. Until the HODs follow these codes of conduct, it is very unlikely for the members of that department to do so. In order to ensure that these policies are adhered to at all times, the HODs should adopt the â€Å"lead by example† approach in this regard (Roth, 2005). The code of conduct clearly specifies the kind of behaviour which is expected from all the employees, irrespective of their stature in the company. Emphasis has been placed on integrity, honesty and trust which should be the foundation of any ethical code. The general business code of conduct lays down the rules for the employees, for the business practices and for the overall business as well. The code of conduct outlines the cul ture of the organization and provides the employees with a framework which will help them in their daily activities. The code also provides the employees with a framework by which they can judge their own behaviour and also learn how to interact with other colleagues and clients. A successful and positive relationship with our clients is essential for the success of ECG. We as a company have been proud of the fact that all out business activities are dealt with honesty, integrity and fairness. Since the relationship with our clients is so vital for our success, care should be taken with the information we provide to our clients, which is always accurate and never misrepresented. Even though client servicing is important, care should be taken when the company is incurring expenses on account of client entertainment or other benefits. These expenses should not exceed a reasonable limit and should always be approved by the finance department. This is made mandatory in order to increase transparency within the system (Lagan & Moran, 2005). Special attention needs to be paid to the marketing and sales department in particular. The marketing department is the department that directly interacts with the consumers. Therefore, the working of the marketing department is a reflection of the company’s image and policies. Documentation of the transactions is an essential part of the code of conduct. Employees are required to document every transaction which takes place between ECG and its clients. This not only makes audit very easy, but also helps

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example The  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  (OECD), founded in 1961, is an international economic organization dedicated to the global development. The mission of the OECD is to promote policies that will improve the economic and the social well-being of the people around the world. Initially in 1960, there were 18 European countries along with the United States and Canada, which joined hands to form an organization. Today, there are 34 member countries across the globe, including nationals from America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The OECD also works with emerging giants like China, India and Brazil and developing economics in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean to build a stronger, cleaner and fairer world. This report examines the life expectancy at birth in the OECD countries to see if there exists a difference in the life expectancy at birth between males and females in the OECD countries. Furthermore, this report will also examine whether there is an effect of economic indicators such as inflation rate, unemployment rate and gross domestic product on the life expectancy at birth in the OECD countries. The main hypotheses investigated are: The data are collected from the OECD Statistics database. The data are collected for the year 2011. There are four variables in the dataset; inflation rate, unemployment rate, gross domestic product and life expectancy at birth (total, males and females). All the variables are numerical variables measured on a ratio scale. There are 34 observations in the data. Table 1 summarizes about the data. The average inflation rate in the OECD countries in the year 2011 was 3.12% and vary from the mean by about 1.26%. About half of the OECD country’s inflation rate was above 3.32%. The range of inflation rate was 6.76% with maximum inflation rate being 6.47% for the Turkey and minimum inflation rate being -0.28% for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jacksonian democracy Essay Example for Free

Jacksonian democracy Essay Jacksonian Democracy refers to the political philosophy of United States President Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jacksons policies followed in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson. Jacksons Democratic Party was resisted by the rival Whig Party. More broadly, the term refers to the period of the Second Party System (1824-1854) when Jacksonian philosophy was ascendant as well as the spirit of that era. It can be contrasted with the characteristics of Jeffersonian democracy, which dominated the previous political era. Jacksons equal political policy became known as Jacksonian Democracy, subsequent to ending what he termed a monopoly of government. The Jacksonian era saw a great increase of respect and power for the common man, as the electorate expanded to include all white male adult citizens, rather than only land owners in that group. In contrast to the Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the presidency and executive branch at the expense of Congress, while also seeking to broaden the publics participation in government. Jacksonians believed in enfranchising all white men, rather than just the propertied class, and supported the patronage system that enabled politicians to appoint their supporters into administrative offices, arguing it would reduce the power of elites and prevent aristocracies from emerging. They demanded elected (not appointed) judges and rewrote many state constitutions to reflect the new values. In national terms the Jacksonians favored geographical expansion, justifying it in terms of Manifest Destiny. There was usually a consensus among both Jacksonians and Whigs that battles over slavery should be avoided. The Jacksonian Era lasted roughly from Jacksons 1828 election until the slavery issue became dominant after 1850 and the American Civil War dramatically reshap ed American politics as the Third Party System emerged.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rachel Carson :: Essays Papers

Rachel Carson Hello, my name is Rachel Lousie Carson. I was born on a farm in Springdale, Pennsylvania on May 27, 1907. My mother, Maria McLean Carson was a dedicated teacher and throughout my childhood she encouraged my interests in nature and in writing. She also encouraged me to publish my first story A Battle in the Clouds in the St. Nicholas magazine while I was in fourth grade. After graduating from Parnassus High School, I enrolled into the Pennsylvania College for Women. I majored in English and continued to write but I also had to take two semesters of science, which changed my life. In my junior year I changed my major to zoology, even though science was not considered an appropriate avenue for women. After graduating college in 1928 I had earned a full one year scholarship to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. This scholarship did not relieve me or my family of our financial burdens, so I worked throughout graduate school in the genetics department assisting Dr. Raymond Pearl and Dr. H.S. Jennings and I worked as an assistant teacher in the zoology department at the University of Maryland. In 1932 I received my masters in marine zoology. I continued working part-time as a teacher after graduating to help support my family through the early years of the Depression. In 1935 my father had a heart attack and passed away leaving me to provide for my mother. In 1936, my sister Marion passed away at the age of forty leaving behind two young daughters, and my mother encouraged me to take them in. That same year I took the civil service examination necessary for promotion to full-time junior aquatic biologist. I scored higher than all the other candidates ( who were all male) and became the first female biologist ever hired by the Bureau of Fisheries whom I was employed by for sixteen years as a writer. My article entitled â€Å"Undersea† which had been published in the Atlantic Monthly, won praise from scientists, naturalists, and literary critics, inspiring me to write my first book. Under the Sea Wind debuted in 1941 to critical acclaim in both literary and scientific circles but sales plummeted with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 1942 I began working for the Fish and Wildlife Service promoting fish as an alternative to foods in short supply because of the war. By 1948 I moved into an exclusively male domain, earning the grade of biologist, and becoming the editor-in-chief of the Information Division.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Derivative Markets Essay

Last dozen of years are characterized by rash growth of volumes of national and international markets of derivative finance instruments or derivative markets. By opinion of experts, appearance and development of derivative markets is the most important event of economic life within last twenty five years. In the very name of these instruments – â€Å"derives† lays the fact that they appeared and started to develop on basis of floaters and futures almost for all types of exchange products (starting with oil and gas and ending with soy beans and orange juice), and also for exchange index, percent rates, rate of exchange, etc. Presently new types of derivates appeared: on the basis of sea freight rates (London), cost of microprocessors, permissions for environment pollution (USA), etc. To the first generation of derivates specialists relate futures and stock option plans, which are used at organized markets (exchanges) in form of standardized contracts, and also popular at non-exchange market (market OTC – over-the-counter) (William Falloon pp. 26-28) currency swaps, stock option plans and inter-bank agreements regarding forward rate agreement. From the very beginning the main functions of derivates was to provide distribution of risks among participants of business deal, connected with change of stuff price, rates of exchange, percent rates, stock rates, exchange indexes, etc. Nowadays operations with derivates are still the main way of insurance from different risks and risk management. The first signs at derivative markets became successful issue of currency futures in 1972 at Chicago Mercantile Exchange; the second issue of percentage futures followed in 1975 at Chicago Board of Trade. In the first half of 1980-s rapid growth (Remolona, Eli, M., pp. 28-43) of operations with derivates, followed with appearance of more and more new types of derivates. In 1980 appeared New York Futures Exchange; in 1982 – London international Financial Futures and Options; in 1986 – MATIF – Marche a terme international de France in Paris; in 1988 – Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchanges, etc. At these and other organized (exchange) markets trade is fulfilled by standard (typical) contracts, which are sold or at exchange auctions (MATIF in France), or with help of automatized information systems (for example, Globex). Final calculations for all deals are made by computational (compensational) palates (George Benston and Shehzad Mian pp. 217-246) The first â€Å"legal† operation of currency swap (exchange of dollar to Swiss francs) was made in August 1981 between American company IBM and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Market of percentage swaps appeared in the United States by initiative of company â€Å"Sallie Mae†. The major part of swap operations was executed by leading international banks, which in the beginning were present as mediators between participants of currency swaps. In succeeding years banks became to work as active participants of derivative deals, acting at their own cost and in their own interests.   When in the first half of 1980-s derivative market was developing mainly in the United States, in the second half derivative market started to develop quickly in Europe and Japan. Volume of world market of swap operations increased from 200 milliard dollars in 1985 to 2900 milliard dollars in 1990. Such quick growth was stipulated with legal standardization of contracts, development of information systems and means of communications. According to data of questionnaire which was executed by International Swaps and Derivatives Associations, volume of world derivative market for the beginning of 1993 was 5.4 trillion dollars, including percentage swaps – 3.9 trillion dollars, currency swaps – 860 milliard dollars, cap and floor operations – 577 milliard dollars. By approximate estimation of magazine â€Å"Swap Monitor†, volume of derivative markets was much higher – 7 trillion dollars (at the same date of 1993). In the United States only 6 banks control 90% of derivative markets. In France 80 banks act at the market of currency contracts; at option market – 24 banks. Volume of operations with derivates at exchange and non-exchange markets, which make French credit institutions and which are shown at their balance, in 2.2 times exceeds amount of their balances. By information of International Calculations Bank, already in 1991 volume of OTC market was 4500 milliard dollars. From that time its volume significantly increased. Quick growth of derivative market volume in the beginning of 1990-s is connected with increasing of instability and uncertainty at world financial markets, also influenced by such events as was at Persian Gulf, collapse of USSR, crisis of European system of currency, etc. besides, progress in the field of informational technology, which allowed to process big volumes of information almost immediately and great funds, involved in financial turnover, give grounds to speak about existence of real industry of derivates. As we already spoke about, quick growth of derivative market was accompanied by appearance of new and new their types and kinds; this process developed and continues to develop in legal and non-official market. Financial instruments, which represent different combinations of derivates of the first generation, quickly were added to the first derivate generation (for example, combination of percentage options â€Å"cap/floor†, swaptions – combination of swap and option. In the beginning of 1990-s appeared such exotic instruments as swaps for non-typical indexes, annulated swaps, options for options, etc. One of novelties for Parisian exchange was issue of bons d’option, which gives right to the buyer for purchase of actions or debentures by fixed price. During the last four years number of diversities of such warranties increased from 15 to 500, they are in easy access to any investor, even those who doesn’t have big amount of money. Appearance of new types and kinds of derivates is stipulated not only by increasing demands of clients in more perfect means of insurance from risks (Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., pp. 101-126), but also by constant perfection of informational technology and equipment, mechanisms of price formation and models of risk management. At the same time legal standards of regulating operations with derivates were developed and perfected; new forms of standard contracts appeared. Operations with derivates started to be used more frequently not only for insurance from risks and risk management, but for aims of speculation, i.e. receiving profit from them. By opinion of experts, nowadays the following subjects take place at the derivative markets: Industrial companies, which can use operations with derivates to reach such aims as: – Decreasing of indebtedness burden at the expense of getting necessary financial means by possible cheap price; – Increasing of flexibility in management of financial holdings, not limited by usage of debentures or short-term commercial documents; – Perfection of management cash balance and regulation of financial flow, connected with cash inflow and cash spending; – Fast receiving of necessary funds by relatively low prices in case unexpected needs in financing take place; – Perfection and dynamics of process management by liquid assets of enterprise. Although enterprises, which use all enumerated possibilities of operations with derivates, are quite rare, from now on these operations cannot be ignored by those enterprises, who intend to lead dynamic strategy of management by thief financial resources. Different investment funds, which control investment portfolio, use operations with derivates as flexible means of funds management. Special companies or funds (so-called stockjobbers), which make derivative operations to receive profit, because those operations allow even with small expenses to get big profit, indeed, in condition of favorable circumstances for such stockjobber. In such a way American fund â€Å"Quantum Fund†, which belongs to famous financier George Sores, and which is specialized on currency deals, including derivates as well, since 1969 every year increased its income for 35%; today it exceeds 4 milliard dollars. Totally in the United States there are more than 3 thousand of such funds, which manage approximately by 25 milliard dollars, which are used only for speculative operations. There are 23 similar funds, which are legally registered in France. Individual stockbrokers, which make operations with derivates at their own expense. Activity of those subjects, which in the USA are called â€Å"local† and in France â€Å"negociateurs independants de parquet†, assists in increasing of liquidity financial market. Special companies-organizers of the market, including compensational palates, which control execution of contracts and execute calculations, receiving definite commissions. In such a way in France company MATIF received for each operation of purchase or sale of pressing contract 6.25 francs, what allowed to increase own funds to 800 million francs. In 1993 MATIF worked up 72 million of contracts, whereas at Chicago Mercantile Exchange were sold 179 million of contracts. Banks, working in legal and non-official market, receive the biggest income from derivative operations. Supervision instances controlling bank activities (for example, there is Bank Commission in France) are anxious because of uncontrolled growth of bank derivative operations. Operations with different kinds of options, especially related to such indexes, which change quickly, as shares indexes, prices for non-ferrous metals, raw materials, etc. give the biggest concern. Supervision instances don’t limit usage of derivative operations in order to insure credit and market risks (Sanjiv Ranjan Das pp. 7-23), but at the same time they establish rule of paying capacity, in accordance with which amount of own derivate funds of certain credit enterprise should cover credit (risk of unredeemed credit) and market risks. Other aspects of regulation non-organized markets are not developed enough. In all leading Western countries development of those measures is behind the tempo of growth of OTC market capacity, where calculation (compensational) palates are absent and business deals have long-term character. For organized derivative markets the main problems still are guaranteeing security and control. Compensational palates watch timeliness of final calculations and amount of deposits of their members, which operate at derivative market. These deposits guarantee that they will fulfill their obligations: in case amount of deposit is lower than definite level, it should be filled up immediately. In such a way, at MATIF’s accounts are 20 milliard francs, paid-in by its members as guarantee of calculations. Financiers work to standardize contracts for derivative deals in the international level. In such a way, created in 1985 International Swap and Derivatives Association worked out frame contract for derivative operations, consisting of two parts: in the first part there are obligatory common statements (ways of calculations and their regulation, declarations of the parties, procedures of canceling the contract, etc), and in the second part there are statements, which can be changed by wish of the parties. In June 1993 report of 30 leading specialists for financial operations was published, where they formulated recommendations to banks and other enterprises, which lead operations with derivates or are their final users. By opinion of experts, these enterprises should give acces to that market only for professionals. Many experts point at explosive character of derivative market, because there can appear chain reaction of bankruptcy (domino effect). Non-exchange market is more dangerous in this respect, where the business deals are often concluded â€Å"for the word of honor†. Unexpected collapse of one of the banks can cause chain reaction of bankruptcies of other banks. By words of A. Taylor, president of Royal Bank of Canada, derivates represent bomb of delayed-action, which, once exploded, can completely ruin world financial system. Although derivative deals have a lot of risk and can provoke the crisis, you cannot live without them in the modern financial markets, because they assist in increasing of liquidity and effectiveness of financial markets, decreasing of cost for market transactions (deals). As was written in French magazine â€Å"Expansion†, future experts, probably, will examine derivates as financial novelty, which saved world economical growth from paralysis. Works Cited: George Benston and Shehzad Mian, 1995 â€Å"Financial Reporting of Derivatives: An Analysis of the Issues, Evaluation of Proposals, and a Suggested Solution,† Journal of Financial Engineering, September, pp. 217-246. Sanjiv Ranjan Das, 1995 â€Å"Credit Risk Derivatives,† Journal of Derivatives, Spring, pp. 7-23. William Falloon, 1992 â€Å"How Appetites are Growing for OTC Equity Derivatives,† Futures Magazine, January, pp. 26-28. Ludger Hentschel and Clifford Smith Jr., 1995 â€Å"Controlling Risks in Derivatives Markets,† Journal of Financial Engineering, June, pp. 101-126 Remolona, Eli, M., 1992-3 â€Å"The Recent Growth of Financial Derivative Markets,† Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, Winter, pp. 28-43.   

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American Me †Poem Essay

The poem American Me, written by Ninfa Miranda-Maloney, tells the story of a Mexican immigrant who comes to the United States to live the American dream. The author incorporates ethnic aspects with her use of Spanish words sprinkled in amongst the poem. With his â€Å"spit shine shoes† (Miranda-Maloney, n. d, line 10) and â€Å"brillantina-slick back hair† (Miranda-Maloney, n. d. , line 11), a picture is painted of a young man’s pride in himself as he begins the journey of a lifetime. This is a young man ready for his new life in America. The tone quickly changes, however, as he probably soon realizes that the dream is not what he had in mind. In San Eli, where he â€Å"lived on thank yous and maybes† (Miranda-Maloney, n. d. , line 23), the reader gets the sense that the man was taken advantage of and worked hard for little compensation. The most powerful lines in the poem are â€Å"kissed your white land, broke my back, sweat a few tears for a piece of the dream† (Miranda-Maloney, n. d. , lines 27, 28, 29). The author has incorporated a racial aspect in the poem by showing referring to the white land. This is not his land, this is the â€Å"white land†. He is doing back breaking labor for â€Å"whites†, probably not what he expected as the young man full of hope chasing the American dream. The author also includes social class aspects in this poem. The poem ends with the man, now here in the United States for fifty years, still smelling the onions on his fingertips. (Miranda-Maloney, n. d. ) This leads me to believe the man is still working in the onion fields fifty years after arriving in the United States. A generalization can be made that a person from a lower social class would need to continue to work past retirement age to make ends meet. I grew up in a poor neighborhood in California. My community included many immigrants here in the United States both illegally and legally. The immigrants I have known throughout my life are generally proud Americans, though there are the few that grow bitter because their American ideals and dreams have not been met. They work hard doing difficult work for little money and not much appreciation. While I don’t personally identify with the poem, I am able to sympathize with the character as he could represent a number of people I know. My grandmother emigrated to California before my mother was born. She came to the States with the dream of giving her children a better life than the one they’d likely have in El Salvador. Throughout my life, she’s told me the stories of moving here and settling the family in the area. It was difficult for her, working many hours as a maid, but she did it for the benefit of her children. Many times throughout her first few years in the states, she considering going back home. The dream she envisioned was hardly her reality at first. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to go to a different country where you don’t speak the language or know the culture but it happens regularly in this country. At the end of the day, the United States is a country made up of immigrants, most of which are just chasing the dream as well. References: Miranda-Maloney, N. (n. d) American Me Xispas. com Retrieved From http://www. xispas. com/poetry/maloney. htm.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brutus essays

Brutus essays Power is a thing that is easily abused. Often, even good rulers can be corrupted by their power. They start out as good people, but too much power turns them bad. Brutus fears that his friend Caesar will abuse his power if he becomes emperor of Rome. In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus starts out wanting what is best for Rome, but in the end, he starts a civil war that tears Rome apart. In the beginning of the play, Brutus is a very honorable Roman. For example, Brutus himself says, Let the gods speed me, as I love/The name of honor more than I fear death (I, ii, 88-89). Brutus would rather die than be dishonorable. Brutus believes doing the right thing is the only thing that really matters. Even Cassius knows Brutus to be honorable, for he says, I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus/As well as I do know your outward favor (I, ii, 90-91). Cassius knows Brutus well and he knows exactly what Brutus stands for. To flatter Brutus, Cassius knows that Brutus wants to be honorable, and he can use it to his advantage. Thus Brutus is known in Rome for being honorable. However, after Brutus is sucked into the conspiracy, he starts doing what is not the best for Rome. Antony points this out when he says, You all did see that on the feast of Lupercal/I thrice presented him with a kingly crown/which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?/Yet Brutus says he was ambitious/And Brutus is an honorable man. (III, ii, 96-100). Antony mocks Brutus and calls to attention that Brutus is not honorable. He reminds the crowd that Brutus has done the wrong thing for Rome, because he has made false accusations against Caesar. Also, a messenger warns that, The enemy comes on in gallant show/Their bloody sign of battle is hung out (V,i, 13-14). Brutus has summoned an entire army to fight on the side of the conspirators. It has become a Roman civil war instead of just kill ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Thanksgiving Guide for College Students

A Thanksgiving Guide for College Students Thanksgiving break, for many college students, is an oasis in the middle of fall semester. Its a chance to return home and recharge. You can take a break from midterms and papers. For a lot of students, it might be their first chance to get some good food and spend time with old friends. Lots of students go home for Thanksgiving, but some stay on campus. Others head to a friend or roommates house to celebrate the holiday. No matter your situation, though, there are things you can do to make sure you squeeze every last drop out of the long weekend. Friends, Family, and Relationships Thanksgiving is nearly always about friends and family. And while every college student has a unique situation when it comes to their nearest and dearest, nearly everyone needs a little love around the holidays. Some families are less supportive than others. If you find being back home stressful, try planning to see friends or a trip to your favorite coffee shop. For many students, its the first chance they have to visit with friends from high school. If you had a large circle of friends, getting to see everyone you wanted to see might be hard. After all, the Thanksgiving break is only a few days, and most people will have some family obligations as well. Because of this, it is wise to try to plan group activities where you can spend time with as many of your old friends as possible. Dealing With Change If Thanksgiving is the first time youve been home since the start of college, you may have a hard time adjusting to being back. After months of the freedom to come and go as you please, having a curfew again might be hard to swallow. Things around your town have probably changed, too. You may have new interests and hobbies that you didnt have before, which your family may or may not approve of. Dealing with change isnt easy for anyone, including your parents. Try to approach the differences with an open mind. College is about moving from childhood to your adult life and its a process which is why you still have to follow your parents rules- but it wont be like that forever. Be patient when your parents start treating you like youre back in high school; they need time to adjust to their child growing up. When you start getting frustrated remind yourself its just a long weekend, youll be back at school before you know it. Dealing With Politics Its not uncommon for students to return home with new ideas or insight into the politics of the world. If your politics no longer align with your families, it could lead to some unpleasant conversations. Many people attempt to avoid discussing politics during the holiday but if thats not an option, view it as a learning experience. Ask your family members to explain their political beliefs to you. Even if you dont agree, allowing others to feel like theyve been heard can ease tensions. Its also easier to explain your beliefs when you have shown that you respect the other person enough to hear what they have to say. Heading Home Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel times of the year, so knowing what to expect can prevent a fun trip home from turning into a travel nightmare. Knowing what to pack when heading home for Thanksgiving is half the battle. The other half is planning your route home. If youre in charge of purchasing your airline ticket, youll want to book it at least six weeks in advance. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days of the year, so youll want to avoid it if you can. If you have a class scheduled that day, talk to your professor about ways to accommodate your absence so you can leave earlier in the week. Dont worry if you forgot to buy your ticket home; there are ways to find last-minute student travel deals. If you do have to leave on Wednesday, leave early and be prepared to deal with travel delays and crowds. Staying on Top of Your Academics For most students, Thanksgiving falls either right before or right after midterms. So just because youre relaxing and hanging out with people over the break doesnt mean you can let your academics slide. While staying on top of your coursework is challenging, it isnt impossible. Thanksgiving is your first real chance to get to learn how to manage homework over a college break. Even if your professors didnt assign you anything over the break, you probably have a larger project or paper that you can work on. Remember, the end of the semester is really only a few weeks away. The time will pass faster than you think and saying you have to study is a great excuse to get out of an awkward conversation with extended family members.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art Assignment

Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art - Assignment Example The essay "Discuss Love and Passion in relation to either Contemporary Art" explores the Contemporary Art and its connection with Love and Passion. Passion is best described as the rendezvous of the body and the soul. The place where the body’s activity is amalgamated with the soul’s passivity all in intertwine and imposing upon each other. The different make-up of the body allows for the disposition of the passion that exists and gives necessary motion into action. Passion diffuses the spirits which ultimately leads to the realization of passion. When this object of passion becomes the pivotal point then it charges for the union of the senses. Foucault relates on how passion can lead to madness as it at certain degrees transcend beyond a simple cause but through its dominance becomes the foundation of its possibility. These ‘diseases,’ like madness, can then be deemed as an illness of both the soul and the corporeal. In the moralist tradition, madness is d efined in correlation to consternated passion. This chase for the gratification of passions can lead to transient lunacy. Previous thoughts directly associated madness with the notion of passion and desire and its fulfillment. If this is true, then it must mean that when love leads to insanity then that is the ultimate consummation of this fusion gone awry. This manifestation of lurid emotions can often be seen in many artists’ works. The fury and passion of relentless and point blank overbearing love is a subject that is not too uncommon.